it's been a while kids. mustamos?
i'd assume everyone's all grown up already. so i can't write about crappy stuff anymore. maybe i'll go in the line of campus politics and finally give my long overdue answer to kitrotsky. or maybe raise the bar higher and write about -- hmm -- global warming.
right, and bore you to death.
truth is, it hasn't been so busy at work lately. finally got our project's schedule relaxed. so now, devoid of any UTPs to review, prototypes to make, and Use Cases to draft, i am left to wonder what my previous life was like. the life before BIR gave me a tax identification number.
i vaguely remember the smell of Cuz in JY Square, where we used to munch on humba, breaded porkchop and the occasional frankfurters during lunchtime. and the smell of the AS classrooms before the airconditioning is turned on. and the smell of newly photocopied materials on data struct concepts. (the smell, always the smell.)
then i remembered i used to blog. when banne and i reread some entries i wrote before, i had to cringe at how horrible i wrote. very few things are more embarrassing than reading yourself trying so hard to make an impression.
i think i'll tell you about the method of Global City and the madness of Cubao. the bizarre manangs of Quiapo and the bizarre manangs who work in my office. the landlords straight from hell and an angel i met in North Av. or an eagle i saw in Shek-O Beach.
hopefully i can keep this up. until the next project milestone comes anyway.