for the record, it is one of the most distressing thing that she would choose to run in a time such as this. not only is there a war going on, the financial sector is collectively caving in on itself, and baby-boomers in America are getting older and in need of health care, but this is also the age of YouTube, Digg, Huffingtonpost, and SNL. people will make fun of you the moment you commit a mistake and they will blog about you, impersonate you without mercy, and play your video over and over again.
where perception is readily accepted as reality, you have to play the media-game very carefully. it's bad enough that the McCain camp has to limit media interviews to a very few journalists, but with the few interviews she's given, she... well... sucked.
i used to be involved in campus politics, and debates always mean hours and hours of preparation on the part of the candidates (or slate, in UP jargon). of course there is always an allowable degree of B.S. (bull excrement) that is expected from speeches, but it should never be excessive. one rule we did enforce was: if you don't know the issue behind a question, admit it. there is always room for humility even in politics.
honestly i dread Thurday's VP debate. i cringe at the thought of it. i have heard Joe Biden speak, and i love the calm temperament. Ms Palin hugely banks on her feisty demeanor to intimidate. Joe Biden banks on quiet experience to outwit. eeeee.... *cringing*