Friday, February 18, 2005


J-O-Y deep in my heart, deep, deep down in my heart.

This little song wakes me up every morning these past few days. If this song is not familiar to you, then you obviously have not taken part in the amazing institution that is the Sunday school. This song brings back memories of Sunday mornings when my mother would leave me and my brother and sister in the care of some lay minister to play games and sing quaint little songs, while Sunday sermon is delivered for the bored elder people. The same mother now finds new purpose for this song – she sings it to my four-month old nephew Wacky who, surprisingly, would only stop crying when the J-O-Y song is sung. Around six in the morning, the house would be filled with mama’s singing and Wacky’s goo’s and gaa’s – an endearing dialogue of lola and apo, of experience and innocence, of strength and vulnerability – all dedicated to the proposition of finding JOY deep in the heart.


Anonymous said...

i like this song too, thank you your sharing.

Brian said...

glad you like it, pennie.

actually, wacky should now be around 3+ years old.. :)