there comes a point in every young man's life when he wants to grow his hair longer than usual. this point came last year for me. my hair grew long enough to have strands tickle my neck at the slightest suggestion of wind. thereuntil i have been rather clean-cut and it was admittedly a thrill having to work quite a lather each time i shampooed.
long-haired and missing adventure, i went with DOTers (DOTA -- Defense of the Arts -- players) to Baguio for 2 days and a night. we didn't know anybody there but we managed to rent a 3-bed room near Teachers' Village. it wasn't much, but we had cable TV.

i felt normal walking around SM Baguio with long hair. somehow, everyone looked artiste up there. everyone also looked a lot more laid-back and trouble-free. (everyone i know who's been to Baguio say the same thing about the local's temperament. we all assume it's because of the weather.) everyone went about in the manner of cool resignation; it seemed preposterous to fuzz about one's hair.
the next time i feel the urge to wear my hair long, i'll climb Baguio.
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