Tuesday, April 01, 2008

things learned today

this morning, i felt pain in my chest and felt quite feverish. i called in sick for work.

i got up before everyone else did. mama woke up and cooked. dodong woke up and wrecked the sala. at this point i was feeling stunned and bruised. dodong kept going on and on about a floater he wanted bought. you see my little nephew never forgets a promise. my mom promised him a floater and a Kung Fu Kids t-shirt (hehe) if he participates well in their school's culmination activity. well, he participated well enough (see previous post), so now he wants his payback. i reasoned it will be useless buying a floater if we are not going to the beach anyway. my mom seconded from the kitchen.

i stared at this glorious raucous for a good moment, and then it hit me. i have been spending less and less time with my family. most of my time was spent at work, and doing things i really felt were very important. i have scrimped on my finances putting priority on my savings for plans i thought were very important. now, stunned and bruised, i saw how i have made myself scarce to the people i share blood with.

i rounded them all, and announced i was treating everybody to the beach. the hell with my savings.

Tambuli East, Tambuli West and Cebu Beach Club are some of Cebu's best little secrets. combined, these resorts offer you more than 5 giant swimming pools and beach amenities. these are beautifully planned pools, some with jacuzzi.

when you're with family, everyone can tell if something bothers you (in my case, the zinging pain in my chest and upper abdominals). when everybody is having fun, you should never dampen the spirit by acting like some pooper. so i settled into one of them fountain things and pretended to smile. nobody really knows you ache when you have pool water flooding your eyes.

my mother has been pretty adept at my phone camera. she shot the picture above and below.

after lunch, i was feeling worst than ever, so i settled into one of the recliners beside a pool which was being chlorinated. nobody was swimming in it, so it was divinely peaceful. the sign reads "UNDER TREATMENT".

i envied the pool. i wish there was a treatment facility for whatever i had. i came up with one cure to this ailment. i hope it's not fatal.

i woke up and felt a little better. the pain is still there but i know i have my family to count on. guys, don't ignore your families. very few people will risk life and limb for you. your homies might not always get along, but they sure as hell won't let you down.

splitting image. yes?

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