Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Happy Birthday, Ruiz!!!

last saturday was gladys' birthday party. you will all remember her as the filipina who claims to be brazilian in a vision i once received. now, she doesn't look anything like her former self. from the resident tabachoy, she reinvented herself to something like paris hilton. when gladys hilton died, she reincarnated into someone curvy-sultry, like anna nicole smith. these days, she's the girl with the bangs, or as an old classmate would describe her, 'lami na kaayo!!'

piglet cake.

and then we decided to have our pictures taken in different combinations:

that's I-Bartlett. (UP High School first year, Bartlett section, in case you don't know.)

I-Benton. in first year, i once planned to trap banne behind the lockers. as i was pushing about 300 lbs of locker cabinet to trap her, she decided to escape. she was promptly squeezed between the wall and the cabinet. i don't think she cried, she just really hated me. nyahahaha!

II-Bocobo!!! we performed Small House of Uncle Thomas (from the Yul Bryner original The King and I). menguito: scientific dog. brian: lyre operator/pa-or-or. aby: prompter. maumau: Elisa. gladys: dancer. ngyak ngyak.

II-Palma. banne danced Arabian Nights, the opening of Alladin. in see-thru pants!!! hahaha..

III-Sinco. star section.. wooohooo....

IV-Corpuz. thesis partners.

Alpha I in CAT...

great fun! great fun!

1 comment:

banne said...

ya locker...di jud diay luuurve at first sight bwahahahahahaha!!!!
