Hong Kong news is going crazy over this story. for a Filipino, i am shocked that something like this could happen. after all, i come from a culture that can well be described as "happy" and "light-hearted", statistically anyway. i cannot imagine that someone literally will go mad and kill everyone in sight. you can say things like, "Mapatay tika!" in Cebuano, but nobody will believe you mean that really. at best it's just you being all melodramatic and hyperbolic.
i have 3 explanations in my head:
1. the killer is an otaku. now i have many otaku friends, i work with a couple in the office. truth be told, i don't feel particularly insecure around them, they are good company actually. so i don't think the killer's otaku-ness did it for him.
2. the killer is mentally ill. for this, we shall wait for the psychiatric assessment results.
3. Japan. ah, the country of shame-phobia. much can be said about this, at the risk of offending the Japanese people. (actually, much can be said of the Filipinos at the risk of offending me.) statistically, Hong Kong and Japan in fact are quite high up in the rank of suicide rates per country. i have two theories about this: too much order makes life boring and being far-removed from nature. (the former is actually a corollary of the second.)
in any case, i am deeply sad and horrified by this incident. i dread the day that someone will invariably attack me or any of my loved ones in the streets. nothing can be done but to pray for the victims. but most especially, for the killer. my thoughts go out to him. that is still somebody's beloved child right there.
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