Sunday, June 01, 2008

The Vine Christian Fellowship

this is the church i go to here. i actually found it in the internet. it's a pretty solid evangelical church that's mostly English-speaking. it has a really modern flare to its services -- church announcements are shown in beautifully edited video clips called The Vine News. and check out the walls of the venue, quite cool.

today was Communion Sunday. bread was whole slices of cake passed around. you have to actually break them to get a piece.

official site here. i really thought the direction provided in the site was sucky. but turns out it was pretty easy to find the place.

if you get terrified with directions like me, here's the place in Google Maps:

View Larger Map

there is only one Delifrance in that area. ride the elevator at the top of the escalator leading up to Delifrance. Press 2. Voila.

1 comment:

Tom Read said...

Hi, I work on the web site for The Vine. I'd like to know how you feel we can improve our directions section on the site? I'd love to hear your comments. Our directions page is:

please email me your comments to:
