Friday, October 22, 2004

Peer to peer schizophrenia

sem break officially started at the point when the file "send.txt" was transmitted from one computer of rm 244 to another with an IP address of through server socket port number 5793. when our datacom instrutor saw for himsel that my group and I successfully implemented peer to peer file transfer my fourth year first sem college life ended. at that point, i was officially rid of any anxieties and nervousness that accompanied the finals week.

let me tell you something about the finals week. it is an evil week. a week you will perpetually hate for all your life. you look at the kids suffering in Africa and you will know exactly what they feel after going through the finals week, after having subsisted on nothing but water and ngohiong just because a decent meal takes way too long. you hear some of your psych major friends talk about abnormal psychology and get surprised why you have some symptoms of "accute schizophrenia," only to realize that you haven't slept for four days straight.

but now we're good. we're holding up. the week is over and we have a full threeweeks ahead of us. weeks without deadlines, functional requirements, System.out's, and overnight stays. it's about time.

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