randy is here for a month or so. we got together election day to eat, bowl, and talk -- mostly to talk. while the rest of the country queued up in humid voting precincts, we chatted about cars, pirated iPods, anorexic girlfriends, masochistic wrestlers and the difference between manila and cebu.

15 minutes into the bowling game, we were completely convinced we were wasting money so we can knock down flimsy white pins with pink balls. bowling is generally a boring game. but after you manage to do a couple of strikes, you start to feel there is more to it -- like maybe it really is a sport. and then your arm starts to ache and you finally conclude it really is stupid.

if you haven't talked with him lately, randy now speaks with the unmistakable twang notable of his profession. it could be quite disorienting at first, but after a few capably spoken "come on, man"-s, you'll get over it.

we ate at tokyo-tokyo. after an hour or so of waiting we finally resigned to the fact that larben and sir paul were not coming. i have been waiting to catch a glimpse of larben's flowing locks. i reckon it should be waist-length by now.

randy is seriously considering staying in manila for work. he loves the people. he loves the life. he adores greenhills. jayjay and i gave him a talk about investing on a good place to stay. if you don't, you will hate staying home and would rather choose to go out often. this entails a lot of gastos. but then again, a quality home is gasto in itself. this is the decision every working man (or woman) in manila must make.

see you around, randz! swing that ball like you mean it!
bri, dli jud baya boring ang bowling...
hahaha... cge bowling nya ta rye. ;)
mao man ni sila ang magduwa ug eggs maski class hours o...tsk tsk
shhh... ayg saba compsci lab :P
It's been a while since I last visited this journal. Seeing that it has been consistently written on is such a welcome development. Keep writing. I hope you're well already.
P.S. Noynoy's in the top six. And they said Tita Cory's lost her magic. Hahaha! :)
Hi Jas! But lest we forget, Kris did a rousing, "masyado kasi siyang strict, ehh" political ad. :P
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