so here are my ex's all displayed in chronological order. if i had ran my fingers over some technological goddesses which i failed to include in this list, do forgive me.

my first was a second-hand ericcson dinosaur. she looked something like this, although i had her dressed in some black star-lit cover. she was cranky and refused to tell me the names of people who send me text messages. we had a huge falling out when a friend accidentally broke her antenna (and my did she have one!). we got back together after i mighty-bonded her horn back. i loved the sound she made when she rang or beeped. the sound was crisp and perky, like a girl's demanding for attention.

and then i dated this alcatel damsel. then again, i guess everyone in the philippines caught the Talk 'N Text craze. unlike the one in the photo, i owned a bright yellow one. with its sturdy and curvy build and bright yellow color, it looked like i was carrying a bar of Safeguard soap around. i loved how she fit correctly in my hand -- all her curves and mounds fit perfectly in my palm. proof that the design department of Proctor and Gamble are doing their job.

now this one's a looker (nokia 3210). she may have been the sexiest phone i've ever dated. i loved the dark sandy grey color she came in originally. (somehow dressing her in other covers made her look cheap, so i had her wear her grey dress until it chipped off her.) she can play very few games, but she would always keep me up playing Snake with her. i always remember the subtle click-clackity sounds she made when i pressed. this phone i worn out till she broke.

this sweety was all about features (nokia 6510). she did so much for me! she can play the radio, surf the net, talk with other phones thru infrared. she was also incredibly small. sadly, this meant falling out of my hands quite often. although i always dropped her, she held up for me, the little trooper that she was. i loved the cool blue light she shone -- clear, quiet beauty.

i think everyone goes thru a nokia 7650 phase. i not only wanted a phone that can do many things for me but one that can do everything! i hated her look, but i convinced myself that her bulky slide was the thing for the technorati. for all she can do, she turned out to be pretty high-maintenance and i wasn't really prepared to spend so much time and effort on her. one afternoon, she cronked up and then refused to let me access my SIM. i called it quits.

this phone was all about attitude (nokia 7200). she wears this soft velvety cover which i enjoyed tremendously. she was ubber-thin once she is opened -- sleek and slender. she made me fall in love with flip phones. i had to let her go because i decided it was time for a change (i had a feeling she was getting old on me -- we were together for more than 2 years). i really wasn't ready to part especially since everyone seems to loved her, but move on we must.

i'm seeing this baby now (sony ericcson w710i). she's a walkman phone so she can sing a pretty good tune. she's very sporty and she insists on counting all the calories i burn from walking or running. i am crazy over her colors -- white, grey and orange. i've always complained about feeling old (what with work and financial concerns), but when i look at her i am reminded to have fun. she gets mixed reviews about her design (every one seems to think she looks odd), but the first time i saw her peeking at me from a window display in Causeway last year, i fell in love. she had me at fun.
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